Sunday, July 27, 2008

The second coming by William Buttler Yeasts

This sis a 23 line, 2 stanza poem. it is written in Dactylic style. It is a free verse poem. The persona in this poem is talking about the second coming, of Jesus Christ. The persona is a strong believer that Jesus Christ is an evil, being, that only likes to see the world suffer and believe in someone good. The persona has strong believes that the world is full of sinners and disorder.

Line 2 is used a a metaphor, when the persona compares the falcon and falconers to us and Jesus. We cannot hear Jesus becasue we are sinners. lines 2-8 talks about the world having no one to control them, there are not more innnocent people in the world,because the "innocence" is being drowned, and the ones that believed do not believe anymore and the ones that never believed are satified.

The second stanza give us a message of irony, when the persona says that the second coming is something that we think is good, yet he believes it is jus phony.

the last stanza the author explains that when the "one" from the second coming arrieves, darkness falls and he describes him as a lion body and head of a man. the persona thinks that Jesus is evil because of the way he describes him in line 15. The last line, showes us how the persona thinks that jesus is the evil one, where he says that the beast is having his hour at last, and then goes to Bethlehem to be born.

I do no like this poem at all. It goes against everything that i believe in. I think it was not necessary for this author to write this. I hope is read this the wrong way or something. I cant wait to hear his biography..

1 comment:

debwrite said...

It is one of those abstract poems that takes several readings, and then the reader is still confused! Hopefully we'll have time to discuss it in class.