Sunday, July 27, 2008

Aunt Jennifer's tigers

This is a 12 line, poem, written in iambic trimeter couplets. with end-rhyming couplets.
This poem uses the tiger as a metaphor, to compare aunt's felings towards her marriage to a tiger. The persona is a third speaker talking to another third speaker.
There are 3 stanzas. The first stanza talks about the tiger " hatred" being patience, and it says that she is not scared of her husband, which tells me that there was not abuse from husband. It also says that there is some domain controling her. which to me is the marriage.

The second stansa talks about how anxious she is to do "it" and how heavy her marriage is to her, (lines 7 and 8).
The last stanza describes how good she is going to feel when she dies, because her tigers were proud and prancing, and unafraind. I think that Aunt Jennifer killed her husband and this is why the tigers were proud. she lived the last years of her life. without ordeals (line 10).

1 comment:

debwrite said...

Wow! Interesting interpretation! I hadn't thought of it in that way at all, but you could be right.