Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Catbird Seat by James Thurber

In the short story " The Catbird Seat" there are not very many characters, but the ones that are found are individual characters. The protagonist Mr. Martin is a lonesome man who devotes himself to his work and home. The setting takes place in the company where he works. The plot is that Mr. Martin is trying to get Mrs. Barrows, the antagonist, fired. The conflict is internal as Mr. Martin needs to come up with the ideal plan of executing his plans. The story is told in third person omniscient limited. The time where the rising action takes place is at night in Mrs. Barrows apartment. A good theme for this story is What goes around, comes around.

I enjoyed reading the story, I could really see many people taking advantage of their positions. I have seen people who they simply have a position in which they have to tend people and they like to make them wait or they are mean to the people. For example at the city hall or any clerk related job. The employes feels they can make the customers wait or feel less important only because they hold the job that will help them. I sure am glad that she got what she deserved as I wish it would happen to people I know like Mrs. Barrows.

1 comment:

debwrite said...

Nice job. Did you enjoy the humor more this time, since you have studied this story before?