Monday, July 14, 2008

Night By Ellie Wiesel

The protagonists of this story are all of the Jews, but the author/ main protagonist was Ellie Wiesel, which takes us through his worst real nightmare as he describes how the antagonists the naziz, guieded by Adolf Hitler, takes his life and many others and makes it a livig hell. The setting of the story is 1942- and it takes place in many different concentration camps, but it starts off on Sighet, were Ellie was born and raised.
When I started reading this book, I was excited, i knew the book was going to be a good one, i had previously read The Diary of Anne Frank and although it was sad it stayed with be forever. One of my favorite kind of readings are biographies. The beginnig was justnerve wrecking because, i found out that the Jews, atleast some of them did have the chance to run and protect themselves only if they would have believed Moishe the Beadle. I can only imagine the rage and sadness he must have felt, to see that no one believed him, i truly believe that God allowed him to free that time to go tell the others what a shame! that they did not believe..
I could not believe how sinical the Germans were, when they arrived to Ellie's town, they were smiling and being nice! that got me so mad, becasue they knew exactly what they were going to do. One part that shocked me was the part when the Hungarian police, started calling the Jews, good for nothing! i thought it was strange that they did this,because it does not say here that they were mean to the Jews, so i wondered if they got brain washed or maybe deep inside they hated Jews and they always hid it inside and now under Hitler's shelter they were able to get their hate out.
The more i read the more I got into the story, I was trying to do all the chores of the house as soon as possible just so that i can read it, and when i was not reading it I was talking to someone about it. My sister wants to read it after me! I have not felt this angry since I read about the Hiroshima bomb! I remember that i was so sad when i saw a video about how this bomb killed to many children i had nightmares and anger! now i felt the same, I was so angry and upset!! I wanted to stop reading it because many time i felt my heart could not take it anymore but i wanted to keep reading to see what happened to Ellie and his dad.
Ellies dad mus have felt so ashame and confused, his faith was so big and I think that maybe he even doubted for a while abouth his God, i would understand if he did, he must have hated the time where he did not listen to his son, about selling everything and moving somewere else, beside i put myself in his place and i know that I would do anything for my son, anything even give my life, so i can just imagine his impotence, how angry and frustating he must have felt..
One part where Ellie talks about how he thought or hoped this was all a dream, he pinched himself trying to wake up, i can relate to him here because two days ago, i dreamed that my son had cancer and that he was going thru surgery, when a big tornado starting to form and i started screaming and yelling that I was not going to no shelter unless i was with my son, I remember that in my dream i wished that I was dreaming, i pinched myself on my sleep and I (thank God) woke up. I felt this impotence with my child, i was sad and upset because the fact of not knowing how he was or maybe that i knew he was sick, made me feel sick to my stomach! the only difference is tha i was dreaming and unfortunately Ellie was not. This also made me think that when ever i read stroies like this or watch movies that are sad or deppresing to me, i always tend to dream about it, usually nightmares, and then i thought about it and said to myself " i only read about it and have nightmares, imagine the nightmares that they victims of this holocaust have every night?"
I can relate in many ways to these Jews, as a mother, as a child, as a sister and as a friend, whatever person i pictured myself in my heart ached, because without intentions of I put my mom in Mrs. Schachter and I felt so sad for her, it made me want to run inside that book ( story) and console her. Or when Ellie talks about the children being thrown in the fire, it made me think of what horror i would feel if this was my Stan. I cant wait until the end of this story, because I really do not think my heart or nerves can handle it anymore...

1 comment:

debwrite said...

Excellent analysis and reaction! I'm so glad that you are getting "into" this book and can identify with the characters. Although that makes it more painful to read, it also makes it far more powerful and meaningful.