Sunday, July 27, 2008

Aunt Jennifer's tigers

This is a 12 line, poem, written in iambic trimeter couplets. with end-rhyming couplets.
This poem uses the tiger as a metaphor, to compare aunt's felings towards her marriage to a tiger. The persona is a third speaker talking to another third speaker.
There are 3 stanzas. The first stanza talks about the tiger " hatred" being patience, and it says that she is not scared of her husband, which tells me that there was not abuse from husband. It also says that there is some domain controling her. which to me is the marriage.

The second stansa talks about how anxious she is to do "it" and how heavy her marriage is to her, (lines 7 and 8).
The last stanza describes how good she is going to feel when she dies, because her tigers were proud and prancing, and unafraind. I think that Aunt Jennifer killed her husband and this is why the tigers were proud. she lived the last years of her life. without ordeals (line 10).

The second coming by William Buttler Yeasts

This sis a 23 line, 2 stanza poem. it is written in Dactylic style. It is a free verse poem. The persona in this poem is talking about the second coming, of Jesus Christ. The persona is a strong believer that Jesus Christ is an evil, being, that only likes to see the world suffer and believe in someone good. The persona has strong believes that the world is full of sinners and disorder.

Line 2 is used a a metaphor, when the persona compares the falcon and falconers to us and Jesus. We cannot hear Jesus becasue we are sinners. lines 2-8 talks about the world having no one to control them, there are not more innnocent people in the world,because the "innocence" is being drowned, and the ones that believed do not believe anymore and the ones that never believed are satified.

The second stanza give us a message of irony, when the persona says that the second coming is something that we think is good, yet he believes it is jus phony.

the last stanza the author explains that when the "one" from the second coming arrieves, darkness falls and he describes him as a lion body and head of a man. the persona thinks that Jesus is evil because of the way he describes him in line 15. The last line, showes us how the persona thinks that jesus is the evil one, where he says that the beast is having his hour at last, and then goes to Bethlehem to be born.

I do no like this poem at all. It goes against everything that i believe in. I think it was not necessary for this author to write this. I hope is read this the wrong way or something. I cant wait to hear his biography..

The Victims by Sharon Olds

This is a 26 line poem, written in imabic and free verse. The author uses an unnamed first girl, who is talking to her dad. The persona is teling her dad that she is happy that her mom left him. This is imposed in the first line. The persona implies that her and the other chldren were happy and did not like living woht their dad. The mom was beaten by the dad and so were the children. this implied in lines 1-2 she took it and took it. and line 16. we pricked with her.
The persona tells us that her dad was fired and when she heard the news she was hapy, there was obviously hatred towards the dad, because there were so many little details that the persona talks about, details that make her imagine how much he is suffering. She hates him so much that even little things that make him mad or sad makes the children glad.

The part where the persona talks about the shoes, having a nose, makes me thinks that for the persona to think that the shoes had noses, meant that she had to be looking at them relly close, maybe the dad kicked her in the face many times and she saw the reflection of her nose. and therefore she hates the shoes.
In the last paragraph the persona talks about uses methapors when he compares alll of the thinkgs that once had power and now are worth nothing to the world to his dad. I think the persona is a girl because i think that if it were a guy he would not have payed attention to little details or he would have talked about a confrontation with his dad, when the beating was going on.

Friday, July 25, 2008

I wondered lonely as a cloud

This is a pastoral iambic, or ode iambic. i am not sure. it has 4 stanzas. it has a (ababcc) rhymimg pattern.
I think that throught the use of similie he put himslef in a cloud,to talk and describe the beautiful scenery he was admiring, I think that there is not other meaning to the poem other than just talking about nature, how beautiful it is. which make me nolgastic, because i have to time to enjoy it.

A noisless patient spider

This is an Iambic, free verse 10 line poem. It has a melancholic mood. In this poem i think that persona is the Author. He is comparing his life to that of a spider. on the first stanza he describes how careless, happy and calmed a fly is. looking at the world from a tall observation spot.
On the second stanza he starts to realize that he has no time to do that. he does not take the time to be calm, or careless, he has to entertain the world, and please people. He is lamenting the fact that he cannot have a life like the fly did. Which is ironic because he did have the quiet time to obsreve the fly, to write this poem.

How do i love thee?

This was my favorit poem, maybe because i studid her life and she was an awesome lady. This is a iambic sonnet, with 14 lines. It has a romantic mood and Elizabeth used many similies in this poem. The persona is a lady with srong love for her husband, i think the persona was herself. In this poem she is confirming her love after a being asked by her husband, she is comparing the strenght of her love to her childhood's faith ( where our faith is the strongest).
The persona also compares that her love as pure and one comes out after we worship ( pure) line 7. on the last 32 lines, the persona shares that this person is a long life partner, because of the similes and tears of all her life. She says that she would love him better after death, because once in heaven there will be no other worries in her life to worry about other than her love.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The sick rose by William Blake

This is a 2 stanza poem, with 4 lines each stanza. It is a sonnet and it has an ab,ab pattern. The persona has the same mood through out the whole poem. The moos is of, sadness or guilty feeling.

The persona is talking maybe about a vice, something that is not okay. The worm represents the sickness of the action and (finding his bed) means that there is probably something sexual. I think that he is talking about rape or maybe a person that sleeps with yournger girls and has sex with them. Whatever it is he knows that it not right because at the end he says that this vice his life will destroy..